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Patience, consistency and certainty set up the right environment for growth.

This encouraged me today—hope it does the same for all of you!

Today, we say good bye to Quadra Island and begin the next leg of our trip.
I always hate leaving this place

For the , I thought I would share an amazing photo I captured this weekend with my brand new phone!😎

Join me in my challenge.
Share at least one post a day and add the hashtag☝️

Be the change you want to see in the world 💙

Your thoughts on mint chocolate? 🍫🌿

@emma_axiacoin_org thanks so much for the follow up and information. I am really excited to be a part of the first version!

@gabriellucaterowriter I see what you mean. If it hasn't already been raised with the dev team, I'll make sure it is now 😉

@gabriellucaterowriter Hi Gabe. Did you go to "Preferences"and then "Notifications" from the AXpress menu?

@gabriellucaterowriter Glad to see you made here Gabe👍

1,2,3 check check.. Hey guys Exodus from Discord first post just testing things out! This is my normal name on social media. I'm a bit of a motorcycle nut retired from this line of work... now own a YT channel and other social media! Also do a little landscaping for beer money! 😅

Hey everyone! If you follow me, I will in turn follow you!

Also, just a hint:
- click on the menu
- click on follows and followers
- at the top click on followers
- select all and then click follow back

I'm ready to Axpress myself!!! This is just the beginning of great conversations :)


Hi Jared.

Welcome to AXpress and thank you for the feedback.

As @cheekytyer_2021 has already mentioned, this is the first version.

The addition of a back button has already been raised with the devs and is hoped to be included in a future release.

The team are constantly working on building out the knowledge base for the expansive ecosystem, but for now, you can find the rewards breakdown here:

Please feel free to @/DM me anytime 🤝


This is only version 1. Just like all the other Axia applications this will have bugs. Great version 1! If you are apart of the Axia discord channel, go ahead and leave things in the Axpress section. You can also see what others have found and responses from the team. If not, just tag a Axia community team admins on here and they will be happy to take notes.

Here are some on Axpress:

@emma_axiacoin_org @dtnlebaron_gmail_com @melesia_axiacoin_org @dtnlebaron_gmail_com

@emma_axiacoin_org @ronipurkayastha83_gmail_com
Hate this corrector. Should have said you can see how excited and alert axians are. All devoted to a wonderful network. Thanks to the teams hard work

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AXIAN EeVee's choices: