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@jaredn7_gmail_com I'm really enjoying it so far! Its definitely taking some time to get used to the change from apple lol

@altmordab_gmail_com you'll be able to join in soon don't you worry!!

Dylan boosted

@dylanaitkin_gmail_com Now that's a keeper congrats! Hope to receive mine tomorrow, can't wait🙏

@cheekytyer_2021 That is amazing you can get it set up that fast! Super efficient..looks really cool too

Dylan boosted

@dylanaitkin_gmail_com Thanks, yeah I want to do a road trip and camp at different scenic spots and also take it out to the middle of nowhere. Trying to get it all set up to be self sufficient and keep the set up and tear down under 5-10 minutes. Luckily the RTT takes only 60 seconds or less to set up.

I just watched this video and got excited:

Dylan boosted

@dylanaitkin_gmail_com I do! This was the first time using it. So I have been making a list of other items I need and what didn’t work. Trying to do the whole overland thing with my truck.

@cheekytyer_2021 That's sweet! Looks great! Once you get the hang of it all are you gonna do backcountry type camping?

Here's my brand new AXIA Tel smartphone😎 Just recieved it on Thursday!!

Dylan boosted

@dylanaitkin_gmail_com love me some camping!!! Just got me a rooftop tent for my truck and have been going the past few weekends.

@cheekytyer_2021 That's awesome! We just have a fifth wheel, not as cool as those rooftop tents!! You have a pic of it on your truck?

Dylan boosted

Good morning my fellow Axians! Have a great Sunday! Get outside today even if it’s only for a few minutes.

@cheekytyer_2021 Morning Tyler! We are still out camping so I definitely have no shortage of outside time😎

Dylan boosted
Dylan boosted


This is only version 1. Just like all the other Axia applications this will have bugs. Great version 1! If you are apart of the Axia discord channel, go ahead and leave things in the Axpress section. You can also see what others have found and responses from the team. If not, just tag a Axia community team admins on here and they will be happy to take notes.

Here are some on Axpress:

@emma_axiacoin_org @dtnlebaron_gmail_com @melesia_axiacoin_org @dtnlebaron_gmail_com

@jaredn7_gmail_com @cheekytyer_2021 Merch store isn't open yet, supposed to be quite soon though. I got 2nd place in a kahoot trivia contest, and won a hat, a few shirfts and a Hoodie.

Dylan boosted

@dylanaitkin_gmail_com I was at my buddies house and we were discussing that there has to be something out there that’s coming up that could change things. It’s time! Then he told me about something he heard about, Axia! I immediately started researching. The rest is history!

Dylan boosted

Sweet! Just achieved my daily max reward here on AXpress! Not too hard and will get much easier as more Axians join!


@dtnlebaron_gmail_com haha we are some of the first communicating between AXIA Tel devices😎

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