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Dylan boosted
Dylan boosted


This is only version 1. Just like all the other Axia applications this will have bugs. Great version 1! If you are apart of the Axia discord channel, go ahead and leave things in the Axpress section. You can also see what others have found and responses from the team. If not, just tag a Axia community team admins on here and they will be happy to take notes.

Here are some on Axpress:

@emma_axiacoin_org @dtnlebaron_gmail_com @melesia_axiacoin_org @dtnlebaron_gmail_com

Dylan boosted

@dylanaitkin_gmail_com I was at my buddies house and we were discussing that there has to be something out there that’s coming up that could change things. It’s time! Then he told me about something he heard about, Axia! I immediately started researching. The rest is history!

Dylan boosted

Sweet! Just achieved my daily max reward here on AXpress! Not too hard and will get much easier as more Axians join!


Dylan boosted
Dylan boosted
Dylan boosted
Dylan boosted
Dylan boosted
Dylan boosted

Just signed up to AXpress! Just wanted to say hi and I’m excited to see what’s going on.

Dylan boosted
Dylan boosted

My financial “life hack” tip of the day:

Download apps for all of your favorite restaurants and fast food chains…the deals they have on the apps are usually pretty good.

If I’m strategic, I can get my meals deeply discounted (often around 40% off regular menu price) and save a ton. Plus, I get rewarded with free food during my birthday month. Check it out.