

πŸ”₯ AXIA Discord Contest πŸ”₯

πŸ† 250 AXIA Coin & 1 AXIA Merch Pack (hat, t-shirt, USB, sticker pack, mug)

1️⃣ Join the AXIA Discord Server:
2️⃣ Comment below with your Discord ID #

⏰ Ends @ 12 am ET, Sept 5


Β· Β· Web Β· 14 Β· 29 Β· 28


🎊 Gain an additional entry for every friend you invite that joins the server:

1️⃣ Click the top left banner of the server
2️⃣ Click "Invite People" and generate a unique invite link
3️⃣ Each new member that joins = an extra entry for you in the contest


Thank you to everyone who participated in the AXIA Discord Contest!

The winners are:
Helen Kate 250 AXC
grantuscrypto 1 AXIA Merch Pack

@dale_crawford9_yahoo_ca @AXIA @jaredn7_gmail_com @AXIAN_NO7

I just wanna wear my Axia shirt under my Axia hoodie while wearing my Axia hat drinking coffee out of my Axia mug putting Axia stickers on my Hydro flask and then connecting my Axia USB flash drive to my computer covered in Axia stickers!!! That would be πŸ”₯

Now I just need some Axia socks lol

@CheekyTyler @dale_crawford9_yahoo_ca @AXIANetwork @jaredn7_gmail_com @N07, and our shoe slogan isn't going to be β€œJust Do It.” it's going to be β€œI Already Didi It.” 😁

@AXIA Awesome contest and prizes!

My discord username and ID is Jaredn7#2904

@AXIA let's the winner get the coin.. 😎

@AXIA LFG πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

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