
Here’s a summary of the LEGO buildings I have shared thus far. For details on each, visit my profile to see past posts.

My plan is to try and post a new building each day (or at least most days) so stay tuned for frequent updates. I’ll also be conducting polls and collecting feedback for future projects!

Likes and comments on past and future posts (and a follow) are appreciated!

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@jaredn7_gmail_com awesome. I was at my friends on the weekend and he had a massive Star Wars collection. Yours is pretty epic too!!

@jaredn7_gmail_com are you a passionate of this kind of Lego?

@rootu2003_2021 It’s a great hobby for me because I can do this with my kids.

Heey, very jice! Yes I am!! Unfortunatelly, I dont have space to expand

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