
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been a huge fan of Gary Larson’s “The Far Side”
This one of a trapper talking about his pet grizzly bear is one of my favourites

@dale_crawford9_yahoo_ca I LOVE The Far Side!! I don't know why particularly but I always found this one to be one of my absolute favourites!

@cryptodanger I remember seeing a small poster of it at the doctors office over 40 years ago. It was my first exposure to the FS. Been hooked ever since

@dale_crawford9_yahoo_ca This one nearly put me off it as it was probably one of the first images I got sent by a friend who has a considerably higher IQ than me who thought it was outrageously funny.

@dale_crawford9_yahoo_ca @cryptodanger

Thats a good one! I can see why it had such an effect on you!

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