Vschmitz9 boosted
Vschmitz9 boosted

One of my sons asked me to make a spaceship fighter today. So this happened!

Full size two-pilot fighter with space for two additional passengers, droids, or cargo. The ship’s weaponry includes two sets of laser cannons and a pair of proton torpedoes.

Vschmitz9 boosted

If you could eat one food for the rest of the year what would it be... 😳

@jaredn7_gmail_com lovely picture. Sunset?

Vschmitz9 boosted
Vschmitz9 boosted

@jaredn7_gmail_com a wonderful trip. When I sent, a lot of snow

@jaredn7_gmail_com yes. Starting in Bariloche Argentina to Petronoe in Chile. Tales all day tô Cross the andes by boat. There buses and three boat rides

@emma_axiacoin_org @ronipurkayastha83_gmail_com
Hate this corrector. Should have said you can see how excited and alert axians are. All devoted to a wonderful network. Thanks to the teams hard work

@emma_axiacoin_org @ronipurkayastha83_gmail_com
You van sure see How excited and alert axians are. All decotes to a wonderful network. Thanks to the trans hard work

@dtnlebaron_gmail_com thanks am learning slowly. You good

My First social network too. A little Lost but Will get there

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