Thinking about inflation: we live in a society that inflation is simply never going to stop.
Put aside Governments printing money.. do you know one person that doesn’t want a annual raise? A company that isn’t looking to increase profits each year? Or one food company that isn't packaging less food at the same price point?


@eric_switzer14_hotmail_com Inflation is a necessary aspect of economic growth. However, like fire and water are both our best friends and worst enemies, inflation has the power to kill an economy and bring collapse to societies. History shows how excessive government spending and the printing of new currency can have devastating effects.

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@jaredn7_gmail_com I think the way the world and government economies are set up inflation will always be present.
Personally I think inflation occurs for more reasons than economic growth. I think governments like people have gotten so used to “cheap debt”, living above their means, Nd not caring if they are in debt if it means they can have the “things” they want now

@ESwitzer Agreed…certainly the high levels of inflection are due to government spending and willingness to take on additional debt.

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