@jaredn7_gmail_com oh thanks.. I will check that out later.

deebabe001 boosted


πŸ”₯ AXIA Discord Contest πŸ”₯

πŸ† 250 AXIA Coin & 1 AXIA Merch Pack (hat, t-shirt, USB, sticker pack, mug)

1️⃣ Join the AXIA Discord Server: discord.gg/axianetwork
2️⃣ Comment below with your Discord ID #

⏰ Ends @ 12 am ET, Sept 5


deebabe001 boosted


🎊 Gain an additional entry for every friend you invite that joins the server:

1️⃣ Click the top left banner of the server
2️⃣ Click "Invite People" and generate a unique invite link
3️⃣ Each new member that joins = an extra entry for you in the contest


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@AXIA let's the winner get the coin.. 😎

@jaredn7_gmail_com oh thanks man.. My work pretty takes a lot of time but I will try add an hour at least..

What's your sleeping pattern? I only sleep for 5 hours.. Enough or not? Please educate me

Family is indeed everything!
In the midst of difficulties, they(my family) always available to support, encourage and show really care.
I'm grateful for the gift of a family..
Who can relate too? ❀️πŸ‘ͺ

Quote of the day: Don't mix bad words with bad mood.. You will get many opportunities to change your mood but you will never get the chance to replace the words you have spoken..
positively everyday.. πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

Hey fams! How y'all weekend Going?
Party hard guys! 🍻All work and no fun?... 😁😎 Learn to

Having less than three streams of income may result in financial crisis... Keep your 9-5 job, save the money and invest in online and other personal physical jobs after a careful consideration and surveys..

You can , when you live a healthy lifestyle..
What do they say.. "health is wealth"

Setting goals and achieving themβœ”οΈ is one the way I boast my self confidence😎.. What yours?

deebabe001 boosted

Throwing my hat in the ring for the … a recent pic I took in Banff

Hey AXIANS! Do you that removing distraction of any sort is self care? πŸ€”It enhances your mental strength hence greater overall productivity..

I wake up everyday feeling grateful because the creator gave me another chance to AXpress and explore life's opportunities as it comes.. ❀️..
The question is; what you do to these chances?πŸ€”

No one is you and that's your power..
Feel free to , unleashing your power within.. πŸ’ͺ

Today, I had so fun.. A movie date, good way of AXpressing oneself.. πŸ’–πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

Who has seen the two new additions on AXIA discord server??
Come on board guys, let's and have fun.. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

With AXpress, I can always have a good conversation with my follow AXIANS! Thanks AXIA for this platform..
It's certainly a good way of starting the weekend.. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

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